Cottage Medicare Hospital is a Family Hospital located at 18, Iwaya Road, Onike, Yaba.Lagos Nigeria. The Hospital is set up to provide the needed Quality Medical Services to the Community, offering the care at a reasonable cost that is affordable.
We offer both primary and secondary care to a variety of Individuals, Corporate bodies and the HMOs.
We also provide a direct Medical Retainership with Corporate Organizations as well as having a partnership with NHIS and some Notable HMOs.
To Improve the Health and Well being of Individuals, Families and Communities by providing High Quality Health Care Services that is readily Accessible and Affordable.
To Provide the Quality Health Care Services that is Patient-Focused, Disciplined with Dignity, Respect and High Ethical Standards and Accountability.
Here are few tips on how to improve your health
Vegetables & Fruits are the default health food,and for a good reason.They are loaded with prebiotic vitamins, minerals and all sorts of antioxidants, some of which have potent biological effects. Studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits have lower risk to all sort of diseases.
Eating enough protein is incredibly important, and many experts believe that the recommended daily intake is low.
Eating protein has been shown to lower sugar & blood pressure levels
Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet.Small amount are fine, but when people eat large amounts, it can wreak havoc on metabolic health.
A high intake of added sugar is linked to numerous diseases including obesity, type2 diabetes, heart disease & many forms of cancer.
Tips by Kris Gunnars,Bsc(2015) HealthLine Media
Cottage Medicare Hospital is involved in the management and handling of enrolles under the National Health Insurance Scheme in Nigeria
We also have a very good working relationship with the management of some of the Health Maintenance Organisation